Friday 10 June 2016

Can you still use a farming base???

I decided to pose the question of whether a farming base is still a base that someone could successfully use. When you put on a farming base you would think that the real problem would be that you lose a portion of your loot that is in your storages. The thing is, that isn't really the problem. The problem lies in the fact that when you get attacked you only get a half hour shield unless someone gets 50% on your base. This makes a farming base pointless for 95% of the clash community. But I am here to tell you that we could all actually use one sometimes.

The key to the proper use of a farming base with the new system is that you can only go offline for a half hour to an hour at the most. About the time that it takes with the new training times to train a full army. So if you just train your whole army, start cooking your spells, talk to you clan mates for a few minutes and request for troops. You will be approaching the half hour mark when your troops are ready for battle. What this means is that: If you are high enough in trophies, have a lot of loot available and you are going to be playing clash within a half hour to 45 minutes, you might actually lose less loot overall by putting a famring base on. Just make sure you switch back to your trophy base when you are going off for an extended period of time, otherwise be prepared to have lost a ton of loot. Let me know in the comments below if you guys know of any other uses for farming bases, or what your experience has been with them! 👊

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