Saturday 31 October 2015

Defenseless Account

Playing with a defenseless account is extremely difficult, whenever you log off you will get 3 starred every time. However there are some major advantages to having a defenseless account. My YouTube channel does have a video up explaining some of the advantages of having a defenseless account, but this post will go further into detail. Here is the link to the video if you want a quick run down of a defenseless account. The reason why a lot of people make defenseless accounts is likely not what you think. It is not for the extra challenge or bragging rights, it is to help the clan be more successful at wars.

A defenseless account is difficult to maintain, when you play on it you have to make sure that you raid more than what you will lose when you log off. In other words it isn't always worth breaking your shield. You have to remember that in order to maintain a defenseless account you either have to play on it a ton in order to get to a decent trophy level where you can get loot, or max out your collectors, boost them up and wait a really long time until you finally have enough loot to do the upgrades that you want to do.

One of the most difficult challenges of having a defenseless account is definitely the amount of raids you have to do in order to get dark elixir. Not only do you have to push high in trophies without relying on any defenses, you also have to remember that every time you log off; someone is going to steal 100% of whatever it let's them take from your dark elixir storage and drills. Meaning once you start getting to the larger dark elixir upgrades it makes it almost impossible to save up enough dark elixir to get them.

The major advantage for having a defenseless account is wars. In a war even though you may be a townhall 10 with maxed out troops, you will likely have one of, if not the worst base in the clan and therefore you can attack much higher than your rank. At this point in time you don't see a ton of defenseless accounts around but I think as people start to realize the power and the major advantage of having one of these accounts, they will become more common.

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