Friday 10 June 2016

Is Barch dead???

Recently clash of clans implemented the new training times as well as 2 new troops; those being the baby dragon and the miner.  With the new training times it is possible to train a full on lavaloonian or gowipe army in a similar amount of time that it takes to train a barch army composition. Does this make barch an irrelevant useless army comp?

That all depends on what it is you are doing. If you are boosting your barracks and you don't mind losing trophies and/or not using a full army. Barch is still great for you. However if you want to keep at your current trophy level, using a larger more expensive army composition will make that a lot easier for you. Not to mention you can take on stronger bases than you can if you just brought a barch army comp. It is really up to preference but if you haven't stopped barching yet I highly suggest you give it a try. I gave it a shot soon after the big training time reduction drop and I haven't gone back since.

Also remember that clash implemented the 5 star loot bonus system. This is a lot easier to achieve if you are bringing a full on army composition so you have to take that extra loot into account. Is it really worth a few less minutes of training when you may have to do 3 plus extra attacks just to get that bonus loot when you can get that bonus loot in only 2 attacks with a full on army. Let me know what you think in the comments below!👊

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