Friday 30 October 2015

General Base Setup Guide

Base Setups: probably one of the most important aspects of clash of clans, whenever you aren't on or don't have a shield up, someone can attack you. Therefore it is extremely important to have a good base setup.

Why a farming base: a farming base is good because you will get attacked very soon after your shield runs out. You will then get a free shield in exchange for a few trophies. Most of the time unless you attacked the other guy first, you can even revenge attack him for your trophies back. With a farming base you will lose way less loot to opponents.

Why a trophy Base: The only time I suggest you make a trophy base is if you think your base is strong enough to successfully defend against another person when they bring their best troops. Either that or if you are broke then its a good time to have a trophy base because it is likely that no one will attack you. With the new base saving system brought to you by Supercell I suggest that you make at least one of each and then a war base. It is a common misconception to have a trophy base early on in the game. I had a trophy base for a very long time and I only wish that someone told me to have a farming base earlier because following this tip alone, if you do it early enough in the game, it will save you millions and millions of both elixir and gold over time.

Definitions of the two base types for people new to Clash of Clans:

Farming base: a base where your townhall is outside your base, away from all defenses and traps
Trophy base: a base where your townhall is in the center of your base inside your walls surrounded by defenses

Base Setups:

One of the best tips I can give to both new and experienced clashers is make sure that you are placing the majority of your giant bombs and some of your seeking air mines within your walls. It will make a huge difference on your defenses when someone brings a full army to attack you. Another thing that is extremely important (especially for your war base) is centering your clan castle. If you center your clan castle your opponent will have a much tougher time defeating your base simply because it is way harder to get the troops out, and if you can get them to place their whole army before the clan castle troops come out, you stand a good chance of doing well on your defense. Always remember that it is pointless to layer your walls because hog riders and wall breakers can easily get past them, or the Archer Queen can shoot over them, When designing the placement of buildings for your base, always try and think of how you would attack your base with different army compositions. The more thought you put into it, the better it will likely be. Be sure to ask your clan mates and you can even do a global chat check to see what the world thinks of you. If possible try to keep buildings like barracks, builder huts, spell factory, and research lab outside your walls. Keeping these buildings outside your walls makes it so that your defenses can be walled in better and it will take opponents longer to get in due to the buildings you put around them. 

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