Friday 30 October 2015

Beginners Guide

If you are reading this guide before or during when you first start playing Clash of Clans, you have come to the right place. This guide will give you a general overview of how to play the game as well as some do's and don'ts of building your base as well as attacking. This guide will also teach you how to get an advantage and a head start that you crave on players that start at the same time that you do.

First of all, don't bother chatting on global if your just getting started, believe me you will have plenty of interesting conversations on there in the future if you decide to keep playing. There's a lot you can do at the start of the game and the tutorial makes it seem as though you are going to be attacked by goblins on a regular basis and that is just simply not going to happen. 

When you first start off you will not have many resources, and your village will be crowded with many bushes and trees. Do not be alarmed, you will get rid of these soon enough. Go through the tutorial as fast as possible, you don't need to use all your wizards on the goblin map that it makes you attack at the start, three wizards will do the job just fine.

Clash of Clans seems like a very simple game to play, all you do is hit the attack button, deploy troops, get loot, and use then use the loot to upgrade your defenses and walls. It ends up becoming a lot more complicated than that. I am going to go through a step by step system that I am sure will give you an edge on every new player to the game, even someone who puts down three hundred dollars in upgrades can be easily passed. They may not know how to use gems properly, if you are looking to spend money on clash of clans make sure you take a look at my gemming guide.

Okay so the first thing you want to try and do is get all of the defenses and walls built. (depending on if you are making a defenseless base, you may not want to build defenses) next, get the ruined clan castle up and running again. It will become your most valuable asset for a little while. Get in a good clan right away, don't plan on staying in this clan. Simply look for a clan that has some really good players that will give you great clan castle troops. Once your in the clan make sure you talk a little bit and then request away.

The first thing you should do to your base is make a farming base, put your townhall in the corner and surround your gold and elixir storage's with walls and defenses. having a good base setup is not very important at this stage of the game. Start training troops and upgrading your army camps as soon as possible. Push trophies as hard as you can, this means attack everyone you see that has a vulnerable townhall. You want to upgrade to get archers as soon as possible. Once you have archers continue to push trophies, the higher you go the more loot you will find and you will be able to upgrade your base super fast. Make sure that you upgrade your storage's as fast as possible so that you can hold all the loot you will be getting. It is not a bad idea to rush your townhall if you find you are maxing out your storage's too fast at maximum capacity.  However do not go past townhall 6 without maxing your base and troops. Goblins are not essential to max, same with healers as you will not use these later in the game. You are better off using these resources to upgrade other troops.

As you are going up through the townhall levels, pay very close attention to the achievements section and try to get as many as you can as quick as possible. If you choose to spend money early in the game MAKE SURE YOU BUY ALL YOUR BUILDER HUTS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. This is because builders are the most essential part to your progression and if you are an active enough player you will spend a lot of time waiting around for builder's in order to get another upgrade going. As you progress further in townhall levels you may decide you want to try a clan war, look for vulnerable townhall's and bases you can easily 2 star. The higher you can hit, the more loot you will make. But remember if you fail your attacks then you won't get any loot regardless of if you won or lost the war.

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