Monday 23 November 2015

The End Of Farming In Clash Of Clans

Today the first sneak peek was released for the Clash Of Clans December 2015 update. We learned that townhall snipes are no longer going to provide shields. With that it means that a farming base no longer has the same purpose it used to. Another section of the update release stated that in order for the defender to receive a shield the attacker would have to deploy at least 50% of their army composition and get at least 30% on the base they are attacking.

This means that in order to keep farming the way it is, you are going to have to be spamming a lot of barbarians in order to give the guy your attacking a shield. If Clash Of Clans keeps the star system the same as it is, this means that when you go off and you leave your townhall in the corner you could potentially lose literally all your trophies all the way down to 0. Due to the fact that people can snipe you over and over again and steal all your trophies. The only way you would get a shield is when someone performs a mini attack on your base and deploys at least half the troops that they can hold in their army camps. No free shields will be given in Clash of Clans anymore and expect that you will have more loot stolen from your base than normal.

Pay close attention to what the next sneak peeks are because if they do not change the trophy system, all the farmers will be dropping to bronze or lower soon after the update drops. This could mean for an insane chance to load up on loot if you are lucky enough to be one of the first farmers to drop. HOWEVER, depending on what they do with the star system in the update they could make it that the star system makes it extremely difficult to push trophies and you might be stuck in the low leagues for a long time.

I currently do not see this shield system making any sense at all, however it will all depend on the star system and matchmaking system Clash puts into place. I have heard rumors that league bonus will be more closely related to player level, which would be a great addition to the game in my opinion. I think that now is probably a great time to start pushing trophies due to the fact that townhall snipes are going to really start declining over the next 2 weeks. Personally I will be leaving my Townhall outside until well after the update drops so I can share the affects of trying a farming base after the new update.
If you would like to watch a video on the first sneak peek in the update here is a link to my channel:


  1. New update sucks.. half the game is dead due to end of farming.. I'm stopping the game play simply because I am getting raped just so i get mere 12 hour shield.. This sucks.. It was a good game. but your time is at an end clash of clan.. see you around

  2. Looks like president Business is trying to get back the money he overpaid for the game. Capitalism ruins everything ....... Again
